April 7 marked the return of the Viking School Travel Club from their whirlwind trip to Austria, Germany, and...
April 7 marked the return of the Viking School Travel Club from their whirlwind trip to Austria, Germany, and...
The Caledonia Motor Inn has been sold. The new owner Sung Soo Kim (also known as Jon) is...
On April 14 a citizen attended the detachment with a wallet he had found at a rural location. The...
A good crowd turned out for the fourth annual Viking Bull Bash on Friday, April 10 at the Carena Complex....
Canada’s largest diamond mine, Diavik Diamond Mine, which is also the sixth largest diamond mine in the world, has...
On Tuesday, April 7, police received a complaint of a possible impaired driver leaving Kinsella, eastbound on Highway 14....
It took 37 years but last weekend in Ponoka the Viking’s Dee Jay Plumbing Gas Kings re-claimed the Midget...
The Irma Peewee Girls went into triple overtime to get past Wainwright and were awarded the Zone 7 Championship...
Despite initial frustration in not being able to contact anyone at the town’s emergency number, local residents showed real...
Viking’s Dee Jay Plumbing Gas Kings earned the title of Midget B Provincial Champions this past weekend in Ponoka, the...
On March 10, police received a complaint of a suspicious male at a rural location west of Viking. The...