Bike Rodeo teaches safety to summer program participants
Last week, Viking/Beaver FCSS, Viking RCMP, Alberta Health Services, Alberta Traffic Safety, The Town of Viking and Viking Fire and...
Last week, Viking/Beaver FCSS, Viking RCMP, Alberta Health Services, Alberta Traffic Safety, The Town of Viking and Viking Fire and...
On July 17, police received a complaint of a break and enter south of Bruce. The complainant became angry with...
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On Sunday, July 16 a group of former Irma district students gathered at the Extendicare to honour the Irma district’s...
The 19th annual Kinsella Graveldome Bullarama took place on Wednesday, July 12. Thirty P.B.R. bull riders took on 30 top...
On July 11, police stopped a vehicle for speeding on Highway 14. The driver could not produce valid registration so...
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are well known for their Musical Ride program which travels across Canada attending and...
Megan Russnak, daughter of Gwen and Greg Russnak, has been spending her summer taking part in a research project geared...
The Viking/Beaver FCSS annual Summer Fun program For more see the July 11/17 Weekly Review
Former graduate of Viking School Robin Willey has recently earned his PhD in Sociology from the University of Alberta (UofA)....
On June 26, police received two complaints of a suspicious person walking along the shoulder of Highway 14 near Bruce....
Dorothy White and Pres Winter were presented with Doug Black Contribution Awards for their volunteer service to the community. They...