Viking RCMP: Speeding vehicle near Kinsella

The Weekly Review is now posting an abbreviated version of the Viking RCMP Report  ‘Word on the Street’ online each week! This is in response to Town of Viking posting a version of the long established newspaper column online on their website and social media in recent months. We don’t agree with their decision, and feel it is not a municipality’s duty to report the news or use tax payer funds to compete with a local business. Nevertheless, we encourage residents to continue to turn to The Weekly Review for their local news and advertising – both in print and online!

On March 18, police received a complaint of fraud. The complainant advised that he observed his silage wagon being sold on Facebook marketplace that is on his property. A short time later the complainant called police back and advised it was a misunderstanding. The new property owner was unaware the silage wagon was not a part of the property sale and belonged to the complainant.

Early that afternoon, police responded to a complaint of an erratic driver on Highway 14. The vehicle was located and a traffic stop was conducted. The subjects in the vehicle were spoken to and advised of the complaint that was received regarding their driving pattern. The driver advised he was feeling tired and had switched with the passenger prior to the police stopping their vehicle. All documents were checked and in order, no signs of impairment were found. The subjects were sent on their way. The complainant was updated.

On March 20, police received a complaint of suspicious activity. The complainant advised he observed two subjects looking into the back of his truck and taking pictures. No suspects have been identified at this time.

On March 21, police received a complaint of a break and enter into a private property shed. The complainant advised that the lock and door were damaged. The suspects entered the shed and stole cigarette butts and ash trays. There were no witnesses or surveillance on scene, and no suspects have been identified.

That same morning, police received a request to conduct a wellbeing check. The complainant advised over the last week he has been trying to get in touch with a friend. Members contacted the subject who advised he is fine, he stated the complainant is suffering from dementia and contacts him several times a day.

That afternoon, police responded to a complaint of a speeding vehicle in the Kinsella area. Members were unable to locate the vehicle. Wainwright RCMP was advised of the complaint.

That evening, police received a complaint of suspicious activity. The complainant advised an unknown male attended her residence looking for a subject that resided at the residence. The male was advised he was not home, and he left. Extensive patrols were made in an attempt to locate the male however were unsuccessful.

-Viking RCMP