Cst. Tourand bids community farewell

The following is a letter from outgoing Viking RCMP Cst. Tourand.

As many of you have heard recently I have received a transfer and will be leaving Viking in July. I just wanted to take an opportunity to express my gratitude to the people of Viking.

It does not seem like it, but I have been in Viking for nearly four years now.

Over my time in Viking I have developed many friendships in the community that will surely continue even as I move away.

I want to thank everyone who welcomed my family and myself with open arms during our time here. I could not have predicted the amount of support we have received during our time here.

I want to encourage the people of Viking to continue having a positive relationship with their local members.

I think I can speak for most members that it makes a huge difference to us, and our families when the communities we serve and live in are supportive of the police, and the community members foster good relationships and friendships with the members.

I know that the current members and staff here in Viking are strong hardworking people who will serve the communities we police with quality service. I am glad to know that Viking and the surrounding areas will be in good hands.

Thank you.

Cst. Cory Tourand
Viking RCMP

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