AHS holding pop up immunization clinic in Viking on Friday (June 4)

Alberta Health Services has announced they will be holding a pop up immunization clinic on Friday, June 4 at the Viking Community Health Centre starting at 10:30 a.m. All Albertans born in 2009 or before are eligible.

AHS representatives apologized for the late notice, missing the deadline for our June 2 edition, but asked that the following message be passed along:

Viking and area residents!

There is an AHS COVID immunization clinic being held at Viking Community Health Centre for one day only, Friday, June 4.

It runs from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. – by appointment only.

Please schedule your appointment online at ahs.ca/COVID or call Health Link at 811.

Albertans born in 2009 or before are eligible.

Widespread immunization will help all Albertans return to a more normal way of life, sooner.

Other immunization clinics are taking place in Camrose, Vegreville, and Wainwright as early as June 5. Various regional options are shown and appointments can be made through the AHS website should the Viking clinic become fully booked.