As we all recover from a busy holiday season and get back to our regular schedules, mother nature continues to blast us with cold temperatures. During these times, it is important to ensure that before travelling in cold temperatures, you are prepared to withstand any emergency, if necessary.
Viking RCMP have already attended several calls involving stranded motorists over the past month, including people not dressed to withstand our frigid weather.
Another topic that is important not just now, but all year round, is intersection safety. Intersections can be dangerous, especially in rural locations such as this. It is important that you pay close attention to your driving, as well as others. Always look both ways before proceeding through intersections, regardless of the signage, or street light colour in bigger centres.
Intersection related collisions are a leading cause of fatal collisions in Alberta.
Many of these cases are a result of … FOR MORE SEE THE JAN 17/17 WEEKLY REVIEW