Viking School ready to face challenges of decreased enrollment
School was back in session for Viking students on Thursday, September 1. As their second week back gets started, students and teachers alike are busy getting settled back into familiar routines.
Viking School Principal Adam Madsen said that, as with any school year, these first few days are very busy but that he is “happy to see everyone again.”
Although, actually, it’s “almost” everyone he will be seeing this year. He said that Viking school experienced a slight decrease in enrollment numbers this year, and though he does not have exact numbers as of yet, he estimates there to be 25 or 30 less students than last year.
This puts Viking School’s student population at slightly less than 300, a first for the school in a very long time. In fact, Madsen said the school’s admin assistants had no memory… FOR MORE SEE THE SEPT 7/16 WEEKLY REVIEW