grace and ron Ron Engelenburg, a visitor to the area from the United States, was given the opportunity to eliminate a “must do” off his bucket list last week when he was introduced to hockey mom Grace Sutter.

Engelenburg who is from California and in the area on a hunting trip, travelled from Killam to Viking with the express intention of trying to arrange a meeting with Grace Sutter.

Ron made a few inquiries around town and was directed to the Weekly Review where he asked if there was any chance that anyone at the paper could help him meet Grandma Grace.

A call was made and Grace, being the delightful ambassador she is, agreed to put what she was doing on hold and come into town and meet with Ron. (She was busy preparing turkey, ham and homemade buns for Thanksgiving dinner at the church.)

Mrs. Sutter travelled to town and met with Ron at the Weekly Review office where the pair chatted like old friends for almost an hour before … FOR MORE SEE THE OCT 3/15 WEEKLY REVIEW