Beaver Emergency Services Commission news
Beaver Emergency Services Commission took over responsibility for fire and emergency management services in the Towns of Tofield and Viking, the Villages of Ryley and Holden, and Beaver County as of Jan. 1, 2010.
This regional approach to emergency services has resulted in many positive results.
Our fire departments have undertaken an ambitious training program and are now able to provide our citizens with the highest level of service that we have ever had.
Regionalization has also allowed for optimizing the use of existing fire pumpers and as a result has eliminated the need for the municipalities to immediately purchase three new pumpers at a cost of over one million dollars.
An additional benefit of regionalization is that it has eliminated the threat to residents of Holden and Ryley and Beaver County residents within 8 kilometers of these villages who were being faced with increases in their insurance premiums of between 30 and 40 per cent.
More see the Dec. 13/11 issue of the Viking Weekly Review