County votes to fund Carena

Although it was not an unanimous decision, Beaver County council passed a  motion Thursday, March 22, to turn over $197,000 the County has been holding in reserve to the Viking Carena Complex.

    Viking Mayor Marlene Grandinetti was quick to express her thanks to the County and said discussing what steps will be followed to better showcase and utilize the facility will, “definitely be on the town council’s April 2 meeting.”

    At the regular Beaver County meeting council members adopted a motion put forth by the committee of the whole which met earlier in the month and recommended funds be forwarded to Viking.

    In a 4 -1 split decision, the County agreed to help Viking  offset its current defect. Deputy Reeve Ron Yarham opposed the motion to fund the Carena from 2009-2012 .

  The county has held funds earmarked for the Carena each year in its budget since 2009 but those dollars were never passed on.

For more see the March 27/12 issue of the Viking Weekly Review