Iron Creek Community Centre donates funds from land sale

The Iron Creek Community Centre is pleased to present cheques to the Viking Museum for their milk wagon restoration project and to the Viking Walking Trail Committee for their highly anticipated trail project.

In recent years, our society has been challenged with dwindling numbers, making it difficult to adequately maintain the Iron Creek Community Centre and host our annual Farmer’s Day Picnic and Christmas Party events.

After several years of deliberations, we sadly closed the doors of our building this past fall.

The original Iron Creek School was built in 1908, but was replaced with a larger building in 1953, which is the building that remains onsite today.

The current building only served as a school for a short number of years (closed in 1957) before consolidation and bussing took students to larger centres such as Viking and Bruce. The school was then transformed into a community hall.

In 1976, the Community Centre was incorporated under the Society’s Act. This building became a hub … FOR MORE SEE THE MARCH 14/17 WEEKLY REVIEW