Viking Historical Society travels back in time for STSN video

The Viking Historical Society took a trip back in time on Feb. 19.

The society, along with plenty of community volunteers took the historic milk wagon they are working on restoring on a journey through the town and time all while being filmed by a professional video crew.

The video is for Viking’s top ten spot in Big Valley Jamboree’s (BVJ) Small Town Saturday Night (STSN) contest. It wilL be released on BVJ’s website on March 12 and voting will open on March 13.

If Viking receives the most votes in this round of the contest, the town will win a Gord Bamford concert, to be held in the Carena Complex this summer. All the funds raised from this concert will go to the Historical Society and will be used to complete the restoration of Viking’s old milk wagon.

Historical Society member, and fundraising coordinator, Kyla Lawes said the idea for the video centered around the milk wagon’s journey from … FOR MORE SEE THE MARCH 7/17 WEEKLY REVIEW