Viking Post Office break-in investigated


Early last week, mail delivery and drop off were slightly interrupted as Canada Post dealt with the results of a break-in which occurred at the Viking post office. Services are now back to normal.

According to Viking Royal Mounted Police (RCMP) Detachment’s Corporal Rick Halter, investigation into the matter has led the RCMP to believe that the break-in occurred either late at night on Friday August 7 or early in the morning the following Saturday.

He said that mail was found burned on an oil lease north of town and that an investigation into the matter is on-going.

John Caines, spokes-person for Canada Post said that they have been and will continue to notify those persons affected by the theft of mail and are working together with customers and the RCMP in attempts to recover items which were taken.

“We are a victim in this, too,” he said.

Caines said that the Viking location has since been secured but did not go into details regarding fixed or enhanced security measures, saying, “I have been told by security personnel and have found that the more you talk about security, the less secure you are.”

Jaimee Russnak
Staff Reporter