Viking School awards-Reagan

Viking school awards-GROUP BRSD

    The Governor General Academic Medal, the award for the highest academic average for Grades 11 and 12 combined, was awarded to Reagan Josephison at the Viking School Achievement Awards which took place Friday, Oct. 24 at the School.

    Reagan and Mikayla Schaffner where the top winners, each being presented  with 10 awards. Reagan is currently studying education at MacEwan University and Mikayla, who was unable to attend the awards night, is studying nursing.

    The evening started with Megan Russnak being presented with the highest academic achievement for a Grade 10 student and Janae Roeleveld accepting the Grade 10 award for Citizenship.

    Courtney Larson won the highest academic achievement for a Grade 11 student and Kealy Andreson was given the Grade 11 award for Citizenship.

For more see the Oct. 28/14 Weekly Review