Tractor Fire damage estimated at $44,000

On the morning of Thursday, Nov. 29, the Beaver County Fire department responded to a fire a half mile west of range road 114 on township road 484.

Residents Lois and William Darling said they heard an explosion at about 9:30 a.m. After looking out the house window she noticed a tractor that had been plugged in, was on fire and quickly spread to a near by shed.

Three Beaver County fire trucks responded as well as a Viking Hutterite Colony water truck, and the fire was quickly brought under control.

Darling said the shed housed some older tools as well as two large freezers full of food. Dave Zayonce, Regional Fire Chief/ Regional Director of Emergency Management for Beaver County said the fire originated in the area of the tractor but the actual cause has not yet been determined. He estimated the damage just to the tractor to be approximately $44,000.

For more see the Dec. 4/12 Viking Weekly Review on news stands now!